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DeAnna Rowe Costume Designer
Waiting for Godot by
Samuel Beckett
Director: Dan McCleary
Lighting Design: Jeremy Fisher
Photo credit: Joey Miller

Vladimir and Estragon
Dave Demke and Paul Kiernan as Didi and Gogo

Holding up a blind Pozzo
Paul Kiernan, Darius Wallace and Dave Demke at Gogo, Pozzo, and Didi

Didi Rendering

Gogo rendering

Pozzo eats
Michael Khanlarian and Darius Wallace as Lucky and Pozzo

Pozzo rendering

I'm Pozzo
Darius Wallace as Pozzo

Lucky rendering

Michael Khanlarian and Darius Wallace as Lucky and Pozzo

Gogo and Didi
Paul Kiernan and Dave Demke as Gogo and Didi

Pozzo's coat in full glory
Darius Wallace, Dave Demke and Michael Khanlarian

Before the tree
Didi and Gogo in front of tree

"Pull UP your trousers"

With The Boy
Godot isn't coming

Meeting Pozzo
Meeting Pozzo

Didi and Gogo
Dave Demke and Paul Kiernan as Didi and Gogo

Back of Didi's coat

Back of Didi's vest

Full view of Gogo's vest
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